Directory: Daitenmoku

Chanoyu and Zen Landscapes Part 2

Chanoyu and Zen Landscapes Part 2

Humans have been attracted to mountains, or at least high places, from their beginnings. The higher the better. Kids play king of the mountain when they are strong enough to wrest it from others. Buildings soar above clouds. Every higher place beckons the climber. The view is never wider. Even in space. What is above or beyond. Japan’s Fujisan has been worshiped from the time of human habitation. It is climbed to see the sunrise, especially on New Year’s morning. Some mountains are too sacred to trespass upon.  The Kanji, hachi, 八, is essentially a triangle, and the triangle with a single point upward is a symbol...

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Kagami Biraki: Making and Breaking Mochi

Kagami Biraki: Making and Breaking Mochi

Kagami mochi, 鏡餠, mirror mochi, with daidai, 橙, bitter orange, ura-jiro, 裏白, back-white, fern, shi-hō beni, 四方紅, four-directions red-edge paper square, displayed on stand san-bō, 三方,three-directions. The sanbō is made of wood and has eight sides, the gi-tchō, 毬杖, ball-hit,  is made of wood and has eight sides. The number eight in Japanese Kanji is hachi, 八, which is symbolic of Infinity in Space, radiating outward in all directions.  Kō-gō, 香合, incense-gather, called a buri-buri kō-gō, ぶりぶり香合, plump-plump incense-gather. It is made of wood, octagonal in cross-section, tapered at both ends, with a design motif of ‘Taka–sago’, 高砂, High-sand, shō-chiku-bai, 松竹梅, pine-bamboo-prunus, and a married couple, Uba...

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Chasen and the Gorintō

Chasen and the Gorintō

In Cha-no-yu, 茶の湯, tea-’s-hot water, the cha-sen, 茶筅, tea-whisk. The chasen is a length of bamboo that is cut into many tines at one end, and has thread wound around the bamboo to separate the outer ring of tines. By itself alone may represent the Go-rin-tō, 五輪塔, Five-ring-tower. The Go-rin, 五輪, Five-rings or principles, are Chi, 地, Earth,  Sui, 水, Water,  Ka, 火, Fire,  Fū, 風, Wind, Kū, 空, Void. The Kanji for ring, 輪, also means the Indian concept of chakra, points or areas on the human body. The chasen is round to manifest the chakra which is a circle. The word Gorintō is composed of...

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