Directory: futaoki

Eight-Ten: Gotoku Lid Rest

Eight-Ten: Gotoku Lid Rest

Futa-oki, 蓋置, lid-place, go-toku, 五徳, five-virtues, Kara-kane, 唐銅, Tang-copper, bronze, with dark patina; h. 1.2 sun kane-jaku, diam. 2 sun kane-jaku. The gotoku is a ring of rectangular-section with three triangular posts or legs, and is used to support a kama no futa, 釜の蓋, kettle’s lid when removed from the kettle. When the gotoku is displayed in the Tearoom, the posts/legs are upright with two posts at the front, shōmen, 正面, correct-face, as pictured above. When used to support the kama lid, the gotoku is turned over so that the ring is up, and with one post/leg forward. Being inverted, the posts are identified as ashi, 足,...

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Hina Matsuri

Hina Matsuri

A lavish display of hina Nin-gyō, 雛人形, chick Person-form, dolls modeled on Japan’s Heian imperial court displayed on a seven-tier stand, with the emperor and empress on the top tier. Such a collection is given to celebrate the birth of a girl, and there are countless variations on this particular scene and arrangement of the dolls. Every year on the third day of the third month the dolls are displayed for the celebration of Hina Matsuri, 雛祭, Doll Festival. The dolls are for display only, but because children love to play, often a little girl’s much-loved doll might join the scene. Note the Tea utensils on the...

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